Overhead power line masts

Energy on the spot

Always under voltage: Power poles for
Low, medium and high voltage (from 1kV to 380 kV)

Our portfolio of overhead line poles includes poles for all voltage levels from low to extra-high voltage. The focus here is on innovative solutions in the foundation area and optimized construction methods. To this end, we utilize the full range of our expertise in steel, spun concrete and glass-fiber-reinforced plastic (GRP). In hybrid construction methods, the various materials can also be used together in one tower to exploit the advantages of the individual construction materials.
We offer not only standardized but also customized masts, which we adapt to your requirements.

Anwendungsbereiche Zwischenheader

Electricity and high-current pylons

The visible alternative to underground cabling

Meeting visual and structural requirements

Our poles in solid steel and concrete construction are not only among the most common overhead line poles, they also play a truly load-bearing role. As the basis for a secure power supply, they reliably shoulder the heavy loads of the conductor cables to transport all our electricity from A to B safely and efficiently. In addition, they have to withstand other demands such as storms, snow and water, while at the same time blending into the landscape in a visually pleasing way.

Uses and forms

Overhead line masts serve as supporting structures for the suspension of the conductor cables of an overhead line. In some cases, the overhead line mast functions purely as a support mast. At angular points, it can also become a guyed mast. Special masts can be used either for line branches or as end masts at the transition to a substation or an underground cable.

Different overhead line poles are used depending on the voltage level, the arrangement of the conductors and the natural environment in which they are located. One of the most common construction methods is the solid-wall mast. The most common form is the single-level mast with only one horizontal crossbar. This is followed by the donut mast, whose mounting of the lines is reminiscent of a Christmas tree. The contours of the cross beams on the barrel mast are reminiscent of a barrel shape.

Masts for low and medium voltage

Steel solid-wall masts in low and medium-voltage lines are impressive due to their slim design. Together with an appropriate paint finish in selected colour shades, they blend in excellently with their surroundings.

Low- and medium-voltage poles from Fuchs Europoles are generally manufactured from a wide, standardised product range. However, we also have the competence to plan and manufacture special poles, specifically for your wishes and concerns.

The corrosion protection of our solid-wall steel poles is provided by hot-dip galvanising in accordance with EN ISO 1461 and DASt Guideline 022. With an additional coat of paint after galvanising, the poles receive special protection through the so-called duplex process, which goes far beyond the protection provided by pure hot-dip galvanising.

Wooden replacement masts

Wooden replacement masts are also steel masts and were developed as a durable and economical alternative to wooden masts in the low-voltage sector. Both pure steel masts and hybrid masts made of steel and GRP are used.

Especially the long-lasting, self-insulating hybrid version scores with its variable use and can more than replace the wooden mast. All conventional cross beams can be easily attached to the GRP upper part of this mast.

High voltage in steel

Just like low- or medium-voltage masts, high-voltage masts can score points due to their slim design. Low ground leakage due to the compact shape of the masts reduces land consumption. Low ground leakage is just as important in the planning of overhead lines as the attractive appearance of solid steel masts. Here, too, the coating after galvanising rounds off the appearance and increases the service life.

High voltage – Optimised design

By using masts with an economically optimised construction method, you save a large amount of costs compared to the conventional solid wall construction method and benefit from numerous advantages in the process.
Pre-assembled lattice trusses not only offer a high level of safety when climbing, but also enable simple assembly and fast construction progress.

Furthermore, plug-in connections at the mast sections as well as a trunnion foundation, reduce maintenance costs and land consumption while providing full corrosion and collision protection.

With the optimised construction method, you remain flexible throughout the entire service life. Thanks to optimised truss systems and the use of clamping, grouting or Hollo-Bolt® expansion anchors (manufactured by Lindapter®), the mast can be raised, increased in height and converted at any time without any problems.

Compact designs

In addition to the conventional design, compact designs are also used for high-voltage masts. These designs guide the current-carrying conductor cables closer to the mast shaft and ensure a smaller route width and thus also less forest encroachment as well as electromagnetic fields reduced to an absolute minimum.

Our compact masts comply with the respective applicable national standards and are available in all required mast lengths and useful pulls.

High voltage in concrete

A good alternative to steel masts in the high-voltage sector is still the concrete mast. Although the trend in recent years has been towards steel masts, concrete masts have recently been increasingly used again. New production possibilities make the crisis-proof concrete mast a favourable alternative to steel masts.

The concrete mast can be optimised in the same way as the solid steel mast. In addition to concrete cross beams, steel box cross beams or lattice cross beams can also be used.

With the variability of the trusses, the requirements of the respective power supply companies regarding climbability and design can be optimally fulfilled.

Engineering masts and foundations

With our efficient engineering team, we not only calculate the statics for our masts, we also constantly develop new ideas and concepts here.

In the area of foundations, we have a wide range of solutions, such as concrete-free foundations for timber replacement masts or medium-voltage support masts. In the high-voltage sector, we can also score with complete solutions for your combination of mast and foundation. In addition to the conventional variants with sleeve foundations and anchor cage foundations, we also offer solutions with spigot foundations, driven pipes and bored piles. An economical overall package is thus guaranteed.

In the area of masts in the overhead line sector, we are also happy to provide support in the development of mast designs, in line planning and in economic efficiency calculations.