
Welcome to Fuchs Europoles

Discover the world of masts and towers

Fuchs Europoles is Europe's leading manufacturer of masts, towers, columns and support systems. Our portfolio includes standard and special solutions as well as turnkey systems, including all services from consulting to dismantling. We are the only company in the world that processes the materials concrete, steel and glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) with proven as well as state-of-the-art technologies and at the same time combines them in hybrid mast forms. This enables us to offer each customer the optimal solution.

We distinguish ourselves through experience and know-how from over 125 years of mast construction, high technical solution competence and in the management of complex projects in close cooperation with our customers and partners. Our customers come from the industrial, public, construction and trade sectors. We serve the infrastructure markets of transport, energy and telecommunications and realise applications in lighting as well as in structural and special engineering.

Insight into our 125-year history


Company founded by Gustav Adolf Pfleiderer as a timber trading and rafting company in Heilbronn on the Neckar. One of the first orders was a delivery of driven wooden piles to Amsterdam.


Takeover and establishment of a sawmill in Neumarkt i.d.OPf. and establishment of impregnation of wooden poles and sleepers on the current company premises.

  • Construction of the spun concrete pole plant Neumarkt for lighting and utility poles

  • Start of concrete pole production in Neumarkt

  • Start of production of plastic products (PVC profiles) in Neumarkt
  • Expansion of plastics production Production of spun poles made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)
  • 1989: Production of conical and cylindrical steel lighting poles
  • 1990: Construction of a production hall for steel poles in Neumarkt
  • Start of column production for architectural buildings
  • Commissioning of the world's largest skidding bench in Neumarkt (skidding concrete poles up to 36 metres long)

Strategic realignment of Pfleiderer AG: organisational bundling of all masts activities in the Business Units Masts, Telecommunications and USA


Renaming to Pfleiderer Europoles GmbH & Co. KG and introduction of the new company logo


Acquisition of the Swiss company Nivatec GmbH and expansion of the range of services to include lowering systems

  • Installation of the new skidding bench at the Neumarkt concrete mast factory.

  • The maximum component diameter that can be produced is 24 metres long and - unique in the world - 3 metres in diameter.

FUCHS Europoles
FUCHS Europoles
  • Takeover after difficult economic situation by the FUCHS family of companies.
  • Renaming to FUCHS Europoles GmbH, FUCHS Europoles GFK GmbH and FUCHS Europoles I. & W. GmbH
FUCHS Europoles
FUCHS Europoles

Purchase of land: With the acquisition of the land in the "Habersmühle I" industrial estate in Neumarkt OPf. on 13 February 2020, the first major step for the new and joint FUCHS Europoles site has been taken.

FUCHS Europoles
FUCHS Europoles

New plant construction: Since mid-February 2021, the development plan 050 Habersmühle I has been in place and the first work can begin. The last 12 months were spent planning diligently and finding solutions for nature conservation issues

Our locations

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FUCHS Europoles GFK GmbHEuropoles-Straße 1 D-92318 Neumarkt P: +49 9181 896-1208
FUCHS Europoles GmbH HauptsitzEuropoles-Straße 1 D-92318 Neumarkt P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung NordSüdstraße 4 D-26897 Esterwegen P: +49 5955 93478-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung OstGutensweger Straße 6 D-39126 Magdeburg P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung SüdRathausplatz 4-6 D-92439 Bodenwöhr P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung SüdwestWolfentalstaße 49 D-88400 Biberach P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung SüdwestGenfer Straße 4b D-60437 Frankfurt P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung SüdwestFilsweg 42 D-73207 Plochingen P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles GmbH Niederlassung WestBottroper Straße 283-285 D-45964 Gladbeck P: +49 2844 90090-10
FUCHS Europoles Service GmbHEuropoles-Straße 1 D-92318 Neumarkt P: +49 9181 896-8641
FUCHS Europoles Service GmbH Niederlassung RadebeulGewerbehof Kötitzer Straße 25 a D-01445 Radebeul P: +49 351 207254-0
FUCHS Europoles Wind GmbHEuropoles-Straße 1 D-92318 Neumarkt P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS Europoles Wind GmbH Niederlassung HamburgGeibelstraße 46A D-22303 Hamburg (Winterhude) P: +49 9181 896-0
FUCHS EuroTrass GmbHEderstraße 5 D-67574 Osthofen P: +49 (6242) 8093–398

The new world of masts and towers

We opened our new location in Neumarkt in the summer of 2022. We built seven production halls and an administration building in just one year.

More about the new place of work